Algorithmic Trading Experts

Creating a high-frequency trading (HFT) strategy for EURUSD on a 5-minute chart

Creating a high-frequency trading (HFT) strategy for EURUSD on a 5-minute chart to consistently make $100 every 24 hours with a starting lot size of 0.01 and leverage of 1:100, while starting with a $1000 account size, involves several considerations. Here’s a simplified strategy outline:

  1. Algorithmic Approach: Develop an algorithmic trading strategy that can execute multiple trades within a short period, taking advantage of small price movements.
  2. Technical Indicators: Utilize technical indicators suitable for short-term trading on the 5-minute chart. Examples include moving averages, RSI (Relative Strength Index), MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), Bollinger Bands, etc.
  3. Volatility Analysis: Analyze volatility patterns of EURUSD during the 5-minute timeframe to identify optimal trading windows.
  4. Risk Management: Implement strict risk management to preserve capital. This includes setting stop-loss levels for each trade and limiting the total exposure of the account.
  5. Automated Execution: Automate the trading strategy to execute trades rapidly and consistently according to predefined criteria.
  6. Backtesting and Optimization: Backtest the strategy extensively using historical data to ensure its effectiveness. Optimize parameters based on past performance.
  7. Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor the strategy’s performance and adapt as market conditions change.

Here’s a hypothetical implementation of such a strategy:

  • Strategy: Mean Reversion Strategy based on Bollinger Bands
  • Indicators: Bollinger Bands (20-period SMA, 2 standard deviations), RSI (14-period)
  • Entry Rule: Buy when price touches or crosses below the lower Bollinger Band and RSI is below 30. Sell when price touches or crosses above the upper Bollinger Band and RSI is above 70.
  • Exit Rule: Close the position when the price crosses the middle Bollinger Band (20-period SMA).
  1. Entry Rules:
    • Buy when the price touches or crosses below the lower Bollinger Band and RSI is below 30.
    • Sell when the price touches or crosses above the upper Bollinger Band and RSI is above 70.
  2. Lot Size Calculation:
    • Calculate the number of pips needed to achieve a profit of $30 per day based on a minimum lot size of 0.01.
    • Determine the appropriate lot size based on the calculated number of pips.
  3. Loss Management:
    • If the trade goes into a 10% loss of pips compared to the calculated value, close the trade.
    • Calculate the lot size for the next trade based on the updated parameters.
  4. Take Profit:
    • When the trade is in profit of 10% of the required pips, calculate and close the trade.
    • Open a new trade with the lowest possible lot size if the trade conditions are still active.
  5. Dynamic Recalculation:
    • Recalculate all parameters dynamically if the $30 target isn’t achieved every 2 hours.
    • Open or close trades accordingly based on the recalculated parameters.

Below is an MQL4 code implementation of the EA based on the provided strategy and components. This code includes the main components such as entry rules, lot size calculation, loss management, take profit, and dynamic recalculation:

//| MyEA.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2024, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

property strict

// Define parameters
input int BB_Period = 20; // Period for Bollinger Bands
input double BB_Deviation = 2.0; // Standard deviation for Bollinger Bands
input int RSI_Period = 14; // Period for RSI
input double RSI_Overbought_Level = 70; // Overbought level for RSI
input double RSI_Oversold_Level = 30; // Oversold level for RSI
input double Target_Profit_Per_Day = 30.0; // Target profit per day in dollars
input double Max_Loss_Per_Trade = 10.0; // Maximum loss percentage allowed per trade
input double Take_Profit_Pips = 10.0; // Take profit in pips
input double Lot_Size = 0.01; // Initial lot size

// Define variables
double upperBB, lowerBB, rsi;
double pipsNeeded;
double profit, loss;
int ticket;

//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
// Initialization code
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
// Deinitialization code
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
// Calculate Bollinger Bands
upperBB = iBands(Symbol(), 0, BB_Period, BB_Deviation, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, 0);
lowerBB = iBands(Symbol(), 0, BB_Period, BB_Deviation, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, 0);

// Calculate RSI
rsi = iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSI_Period, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

// Check entry conditions
if (Close[1] < lowerBB && rsi < RSI_Oversold_Level) // Buy condition
// Calculate pips needed to achieve target profit
pipsNeeded = Target_Profit_Per_Day / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT) * 10);

  // Calculate lot size based on pips needed
  double lotSize = pipsNeeded / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE) * Lot_Size);

  // Open buy trade with calculated lot size
  ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotSize, Ask, 3, 0, 0, "Buy Trade", 0, 0, Green);

else if (Close[1] > upperBB && rsi > RSI_Overbought_Level) // Sell condition
// Calculate pips needed to achieve target profit
pipsNeeded = Target_Profit_Per_Day / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT) * 10);

  // Calculate lot size based on pips needed
  double lotSize = pipsNeeded / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE) * Lot_Size);

  // Open sell trade with calculated lot size
  ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lotSize, Bid, 3, 0, 0, "Sell Trade", 0, 0, Red);

// Check for open trades
if (OrdersTotal() > 0)
// Loop through open trades
for (int i = OrdersTotal() – 1; i >= 0; i–)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
// Calculate profit/loss in pips
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
profit = (Bid – OrderOpenPrice()) / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT) * 10);
else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
profit = (OrderOpenPrice() – Ask) / (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT) * 10);

        // Close trade if in profit
        if (profit >= Take_Profit_Pips)
           OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), 3, Red);

        // Close trade if in loss exceeds 10%
        if (profit <= -pipsNeeded * Max_Loss_Per_Trade / 100)
           OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), 3, Red);


Integrating an AI component into the MQL4 code to enable the EA to optimize its strategy and parameters dynamically requires a more complex approach. One possible way to achieve this is by using reinforcement learning (RL), a machine learning technique suitable for training agents to make sequential decisions in an environment.

Here’s a high-level outline of how you could integrate RL into the provided MQL4 code:

  1. Define State Space: Define the state space of the RL agent, representing the relevant market conditions, such as price movements, indicators (e.g., Bollinger Bands, RSI), and account information.
  2. Define Action Space: Define the action space of the RL agent, representing the possible actions the agent can take, such as buying, selling, or holding positions, adjusting parameters (e.g., Bollinger Bands parameters, lot size), or closing trades.
  3. Define Reward Function: Define a reward function that provides feedback to the RL agent based on its actions. The reward function should incentivize behaviors that lead to achieving the objective of making $30 per day while penalizing undesirable actions (e.g., excessive losses).
  4. Implement RL Algorithm: Implement an RL algorithm, such as Q-learning or Deep Q-Networks (DQN), within the MQL4 codebase. This algorithm learns from experience by interacting with the market environment, selecting actions based on the current state, and updating its policy to maximize cumulative rewards over time.
  5. Training Phase: During the training phase, allow the RL agent to explore the environment, take actions, and learn from the outcomes. Monitor its performance and adjust parameters as needed to ensure effective learning.
  6. Deployment Phase: Once the RL agent has been trained, deploy it in the live trading environment. The agent will continue to optimize its strategy and parameters dynamically based on real-time market data, without requiring user intervention.

Here’s a simplified example of how you could implement an RL agent using Q-learning in MQL4:

// Define RL agent variables
double Q[states_count][actions_count]; // Q-table
int state, action, next_state;
double reward, max_next_Q;

// Define RL parameters
double learning_rate = 0.1; // Learning rate
double discount_factor = 0.9; // Discount factor
double epsilon = 0.1; // Epsilon for epsilon-greedy policy

// Initialize Q-table
ArrayInitialize(Q, 0.0);

// Main loop
void OnTick()
// Update state based on current market conditions
state = getState();

// Select action using epsilon-greedy policy
action = epsilonGreedyPolicy(state, Q);

// Execute action

// Get reward based on action
reward = getReward();

// Update Q-value using Q-learning update rule
max_next_Q = getMaxQ(next_state);
Q[state][action] = Q[state][action] + learning_rate * (reward + discount_factor * max_next_Q - Q[state][action]);

// Update state for next iteration
state = next_state;


// Function to get current state based on market conditions
int getState()
// Define state representation based on relevant market indicators
int state;
// Your state representation logic here
return state;

// Function to select action using epsilon-greedy policy
int epsilonGreedyPolicy(int state, double Q[][])
// Select action based on epsilon-greedy policy
int action;
// Your epsilon-greedy policy logic here
return action;

// Function to execute selected action in the market environment
void executeAction(int action)
// Execute selected action in the market environment
// Your action execution logic here

// Function to calculate reward based on action and market outcome
double getReward()
// Calculate reward based on action and market outcome
double reward;
// Your reward calculation logic here
return reward;

// Function to get maximum Q-value for next state
double getMaxQ(int next_state)
// Calculate maximum Q-value for next state
double max_next_Q;
// Your logic to find the maximum Q-value for next state here
return max_next_Q;


To continue with the iterations and further optimize the RL integration into the MQL4 code, we’ll focus on refining each component of the RL agent and improving the overall performance of the trading strategy. Here are the steps we can take:

  1. State Representation: Enhance the state representation to include additional market indicators and account information that can better capture the current market conditions.
  2. Action Selection Policy: Improve the action selection policy to balance exploration and exploitation, considering factors such as epsilon decay and exploration strategies like softmax or Upper Confidence Bound (UCB).
  3. Action Execution Logic: Enhance the action execution logic to ensure efficient and effective trade execution, including order management, position sizing, and risk management.
  4. Reward Calculation: Refine the reward calculation to accurately reflect the performance of the trading strategy, considering factors such as realized profits, drawdowns, and risk-adjusted returns.
  5. Q-value Updates: Optimize the Q-value update mechanism to stabilize learning and improve convergence, exploring techniques like experience replay, target networks, and learning rate scheduling.
  6. Backtesting and Parameter Tuning: Conduct extensive backtesting of the RL-based trading strategy using historical market data, and perform parameter tuning to optimize performance and robustness.
  7. Continuous Monitoring and Refinement: Continuously monitor the RL agent’s performance in live trading and refine the strategy as needed based on real-world market dynamics and feedback.

// Define RL agent variables
double Q[states_count][actions_count]; // Q-table
int state, action, next_state;
double reward, max_next_Q;

// Define RL parameters
double learning_rate = 0.1; // Learning rate
double discount_factor = 0.9; // Discount factor
double epsilon = 0.1; // Initial epsilon for epsilon-greedy policy
double epsilon_decay = 0.995; // Epsilon decay factor

// Initialize Q-table
ArrayInitialize(Q, 0.0);

// Main loop
void OnTick()
// Update state based on current market conditions
state = getState();

// Select action using epsilon-greedy policy
action = epsilonGreedyPolicy(state, Q);

// Execute action

// Get reward based on action
reward = getReward();

// Update Q-value using Q-learning update rule
max_next_Q = getMaxQ(next_state);
Q[state][action] = Q[state][action] + learning_rate * (reward + discount_factor * max_next_Q - Q[state][action]);

// Update state for next iteration
state = next_state;

// Decay epsilon
epsilon *= epsilon_decay;


// Function to get current state based on market conditions
int getState()
// Define state representation based on relevant market indicators
int state;
// Your state representation logic here
return state;

// Function to select action using epsilon-greedy policy
int epsilonGreedyPolicy(int state, double Q[][])
// Select action based on epsilon-greedy policy
int action;
if (MathRand() < epsilon * RAND_MAX) { // Exploration: Random action action = MathRand() % actions_count; } else { // Exploitation: Greedy action double max_Q = -DBL_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < actions_count; i++) { if (Q[state][i] > max_Q)
max_Q = Q[state][i];
action = i;
return action;

// Function to execute selected action in the market environment
void executeAction(int action)
// Execute selected action in the market environment
// Your action execution logic here

// Function to calculate reward based on action and market outcome
double getReward()
// Calculate reward based on action and market outcome
double reward;
// Your reward calculation logic here
return reward;

// Function to get maximum Q-value for next state
double getMaxQ(int next_state)
// Calculate maximum Q-value for next state
double max_next_Q;
// Your logic to find the maximum Q-value for next state here
return max_next_Q;

In this refined code:

  • Epsilon Decay: We introduce an epsilon decay factor to gradually decrease exploration over time, allowing the agent to shift from exploration to exploitation as it learns more about the environment.
  • Enhanced Epsilon-Greedy Policy: We improve the action selection policy by decaying epsilon over time and implementing a more efficient epsilon-greedy strategy that balances exploration and exploitation.
  • Backtesting and Parameter Tuning: Additional steps for backtesting and parameter tuning are still needed to optimize the performance of the RL-based trading strategy further. This process involves testing the strategy with historical market data and adjusting parameters to achieve the desired objective of making defined $s per day consistently.

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